That all 13 of our crias this year were born healthy, and that they continue to grow and flourish. Seven boys and six girls:
- Trinity, Valrhona, and Roark (girl/girl/boy, aka, the Triple Fudge Brownies)
- Cadence, a maroon and white female (gig 'em, Aggies!), from Autumn Sun
- Toledo, fawn boy with a black nose, born to our spunky old dam, Blackberry
- Celeste, our only Galileo daughter, out of our first alpaca, Flora
- Ramiro, a red-brown boy from Sonnet ~ named for a king of Aragon
- Latakia, a brown boy (pictured) from Murphy Brown and Galileo ~ name of a spicy tobacco
- Juliaca, a light fawn girl from Nutmeg ~ a city in Peru
- Rigel, brightest star in constellation Orion, his sire, and mom Solstice Summer
- Sarek, from Sheba and Galileo; named for Mr Spock's Vulcan father
- Tecumseh, meaning 'shooting star' because he has one on his forehead; from Amazing Grace and Orion
- Mariquita, 'ladybug' is a red-brown girl with white face, from Black Lace and Orion.
I am thankful for the bounty of our land:
- tons of hay our field produced
- 68 volunteer pumpkins in the plot we are readying for the garden
- the first pear from our little tree
- gallons of plums we harvested for cooking and eating and wine
- blueberries ~more than last year, not enough for a pie yet
- wild blackberries offering juicy treats and possibilities
- honey from Jason's hives, and the tasty mead we brewed
- with their unique sets of ideas and enthusiasm, challenges, frustrations and laughter
- sharing their friends, expanding our circles of connection
- celebrating birthdays and holidays, achievements and surprises
- visiting us on their travels, bringing news and reminders of other days
- helping when extra hands are needed.
- grandchildren that delight in visiting
- a house for nesting Jennifer and family
- extraordinary experiences and connections for Paul at Ephemerisle, and for Erica rebuilding homes in New Orleans with her Americorps team
- cousins who stay in touch across the miles and years.
I am thankful for the grandeur and bounty of this place on earth and for the privilege of caring for it. I am ever-grateful to my dearest Mike who has consciously postponed his dream for a time to support mine. I am thankful for our continued health and well-being and mindful creativity, the very spark of life.
For all of these things and more, I offer humble thanks.
Mariquita & Tecumseh ~ Juliaca ~ Sarek
Celeste ~ Toledo ~ turkey basket of yarn